Updated Articles

  1. Importing shipping addresses from Excel

    To import shipping addresses use the Addresses.xls template contained in the folder \Program Files\NumberCruncher\All Orders\Import
  2. Importing units of measure

    The iteminventory.xls does not have unit of measure import rather the unit of measures and the associated conversion rates are inherited from the Item Group. You can make as many item groups as you wish and apply the Item Group in the import templ...
  3. Error 339 ExComboBox.dll or Module Failed to Load Error

    This is caused by a software component not being registered properly.  To fix the issue:  1. Find cmd.exe in the WINDOWS\system32 or syswow64 folder  2. Right Click and select Run as Administrator  3. type: regsvr32 " C:\WINDOWS\system32\ExComboB...
  4. How to assign time to a work order

    First, add the labor item in the components. Next, on the Step, go to the Details Column and select Assign Time. Select the Name of the Employee, enter the start and ending time or the duration in hours, then select the Labor item on the drop-down o...
  5. An internal QuickBooks error occurred while trying to access the QuickBooks datafile

    Descriptions: When trying to link a QuickBooks company file to NumberCruncher for the first time you may receive the following error. Open QB: An internal QuickBooks error occurred while trying to access the QuickBooks data file. Cause 1: Y...
  6. Can you process more than one sales order at a time.

    1. Do Sales --> New Batch Shipment  2. Adjust your filters and allocate by accordingly  3. Click Process  After the ship docs are completed you can go into the shipping list then  1. List -- Select All  2. List --> Record In QuickBooks. ...
  7. Item is on list but not on sales order or purchase order

    All Orders has the ability to show you items where they are needed. For example if you buy items for production but never sell them, why should the be on the sales order. Whether an item shows in a SO, PO or WO depends on its GROUP and particularly ...
  8. Number of packages on ship doc equals quantity

    Go into Preferences --> Shipping and UNCHECK 'Count number of packages'
  9. Inventory Valuation

    There are in fact three ways of calculating inventory valuation in All Orders:  1) Purchase Cost * Quantity This basically calculates the cost as entered or last vendor cost times the Quantity On Hand (see the faq about understanding Quanti...
  10. Report does not show all data

    If you are running the report from Design Report then by default it will only show the first 20 records so as to improve performance as you edit the report. On the bottom of the Modify Design tab, you can UNCHECK Design Mode to view all records. ...