Error 2147024882 - Not Enough Storage is available to complete this operation

This error means your list so large your machine or sever does not have the
resources to load it. One option is to change the filter to only show
active ones and make any items that you are not actively selling
to inactive. Another option is to change the item list to go into look up mode( list--> lookup mode). This is a better option in my

If you are getting this error on the SO list, WO list or SD list :

- there is a preference that can be set so the list only loads a particular Number of months worth of orders so as not to bog down the loading screens. Go to Company-->preferences--> SO ( display tab) /WO ( general tab) /PO ( advanced tab), SD ( general tab) section--> Change the preference to only load 2-4 months of previous orders.


Customer Support, Inc.
866-278-6243 X 815