When attempting to sync or record a transaction into QuickBooks you may receive the following error:
This application is not allowed to log into this QuickBooks company data file automatically. The QuickBooks administrator can grant permission for automatic login through the Integrated Application preferences.
This error message means that either you have not open Quickbooks before opening AllOrders or that
you have not granted All Orders automatic login rights to QuickBooks. There are 2 resolutions
1. Open QuickBooks before opening AllOrders before attempting to sync or record transactions
2. If necessary, Grant or re-grant All Orders automatic login rights as follows:
- Open QuickBooks in single user mode
- Select Edit - Company Preferences - Intergrated Applications and click the Company Preferences tab.
- click All Orders by NumberCruncher then click Properties
- Check 'Allow this application to login automatically'
- if applicable select a user to login as
- Click OK then OK again to save changes to Prefereces
NOTE: If the user specified above is logged in to QuickBooks on another machine then you will get a 'User already logged in' message.
If you have already granted permission to All Orders an you continue to get this message then the administrator must revoke access to All Orders and grant permission again as follows:
- Open QuickBooks in single user mode
- Select Edit - Company Preferences - Intergrated Applications and click the Company Preferences tab.
- Click All Orders by NumberCruncher then click Remove
- Click OK then OK again to save changes to Prefereces
- Open All Orders
- Select Company - Synchronize QuickBooks - Sync
- A QuickBooks windows will pop up requesting you grant access to All Orders.
- Check 'Yes, when ever the file is open (recommended)' or 'Yes, always even if QuickBooks is not running' then press Continue
- Click Done.