Use Individual Line Discounts To Total The Order Level Discount - Advanced Sales Order Preference

This preference will change the way line item prices on invoices are posted into Quickbooks. Typically when a ship doc is sent to QB and an invoice is generated each line item on the invoice will have the specific price per as specified on the ship doc. Once this preference is turned on the line items will instead go onto the invoice with the standard price being show as the price on the invoice. The difference between the standard prices and the actual prices being charged on the ship doc will be totaled and shown under a single discount line item on the invoice for a total discount/savings type of look.

If this is being turned on a discount item that is taxable and a discount item that is not taxable must be set in the database for the discount amounts to get filed under on the invoices. Numbercruncher support can assist with this if needed.

Follow these steps so the discounting will go over to QB properly:

-In All Orders go to the Lists menu, Profile List, Sales, Discount.

-Pick two discounts, one with a taxable tax code and one that is not taxable. Create a new discount named Non Taxable Discount if needed.

-Run the following script, replace the names of the discounts in each.

declare @TaxableDiscount nvarchar(max)
declare @NonTaxableDiscount nvarchar(max)

set @TaxableDiscount = (select top 1 cast(ItemDiscount.NCItemDiscountID as nvarchar(10)) from ItemDiscount where FullName='Taxable Discount Name Here')

set @NonTaxableDiscount = (select top 1 cast(ItemDiscount.NCItemDiscountID as nvarchar(10)) from ItemDiscount where FullName='Non Taxable Discount Name Here')

if @TaxableDiscount is not null and @NonTaxableDiscount is not null begin

insert into companypreference (preferencename,preferencevalue) values ('UseLineDiscountsAsTotalDiscountForNonTaxable',@NonTaxableDiscount)
insert into companypreference (preferencename,preferencevalue) values ('UseLineDiscountsAsTotalDiscountForTaxable',@TaxableDiscount)


-Close and open AO.