How do I change the default printer for All Orders

All Orders has two main options for which printers, and their associated page setups, are applied to forms/reports/labels. It is important to choose the correct one in cases where you might be printing different reports to different printers based on the type of report, such as printing both regular forms and labels from the same workstation.

By default All Orders is setup to allow Windows to dictate which printer is being applied to the forms/reports/labels. Typically this means the default Windows printer will be applied. This works fine for most setups.

If multiple printers are being used from a single workstation to print different page setups you may notice that depending on which printer is the default Windows printers, your pages have messed up margins and may not be able to print at all. In cases like this it may be important to specify for each report/form/label which printer should be used. To do this first open All Orders as the administrator and go to the Company menu, Preferences, Reports preferences and check the box saying Apply default printer. By doing this you can open any individual forms/reports/labels in the report designer and specify a default printer that All Orders should use for it. Typically when the regular printer is set as the default this option is used to override it and set a default label printer for label reports. Here is how to apply a default printer for any forms/reports/labels in All Orders.

1. Open the report
2. Click Modify Design tab
3. From the top menu select, View --> Printer Setup
4. Select from the available Windows printers, and Press 'Print' (nothing will actually print)

Moving forward each time the report is previewed and then printer this is the default printer that should be selected for it.