New Articles

  1. What is a Bill of Materials?

    A bill of materials (BOM) is like a recipe. It provides the components and quantities necessary to make 1 unit of a finished product. It serves 2 purposes; manufacturing and accounting. On the manufacturing end, the BOM may include special instructi...
  2. What 'Cost' is used on the Bill of Materials?

    NumberCruncher uses Cost as Entered or Vendor Cost for the FIFO cost of the 'Quantity Per' on the bill of materials. When you create an item in QuickBooks without an opening value and quantity, QuickBooks uses the Cost field as the average cost. A...
  3. This application has not accessed this QuickBooks company data file before

    Symptoms When you open NumberCruncher either for the first time or after an software update, you may get the following error: Open QB: This application has not accessed this QuickBooks company data file before. The QuickBooks administrator must ...
  4. Sync Error on Account Type - UK QB

    Description Upon Synchronizing with QB using the UK QB edition, an error occurs saying 'Invalid Account Type' Cause: QuickBooks Chart of Accounts Definition Resolution: You must change the QB accounts type from "Suspense" to "Non-posting"....
  5. Setting up Part Numbers, Product Codes or SKUs for InventoryItems

    Assigning part numbers to your items requires some upfront planning or you might find that your scheme runs out of room quickly. Numbering schemes are a matter of personal preference and they will differ widely from company to company. When creating...
  6. Non-inventory items have no description or prices

    Cause The Purchase and Sell option is not set for your item. Resolution Within QuickBooks, edit the item and check the Purchase and Selloption. After you have checked the Purchase and Sell option, you will seePurchase Description, Cost, Prefer...
  7. Merging Item in QuickBooks - All Orders

    When you merge an item in QuickBooks and then synchronize, All Orders thinks that the item has been deleted and will attempt to delete it as well. If there are transactions using that item, All Orders will be unable to delete it but will make it inv...
  8. How to buy inventory on a credit card?

    At times you pre-pay or purchase items using a credit card. A duplicatepurchase can arise when you receive the items through NumberCruncher and postBill in QuickBooks. To avoid this do the following: 1. Create an 'Other Current Asset' (e.g. Prepai...
  9. How does NumberCruncher Handle Sub-Contractors/Processes?

    NumberCruncher Work Orders can track sub-contractors/processes.  It is recommended that you use non-inventory part, service or other charge items to track sub-contractors. If you have not created the items do so as follows:  1. Create an Item (e.g...
  10. Report does not show all data

    If you are running the report from Design Report then by default it will only show the first 20 records so as to improve performance as you edit the report. On the bottom of the Modify Design tab, you can UNCHECK Design Mode to view all records. ...