Entering BOM components as percentages

BOM components can be entered as percentages. This specialized function is geared towards components that are part of mixes which make up the finished good. Here is how you can start to enter your BOM components as percentages:

1) Open the company preferences and go to the Inventory Preferences. Make sure that "Allow BOM components to be percentages" is checked.

3) Open an item which is an assembly and go to the Other tab. You will see a new Unit Of Measure and conversion rate named Produced As. This conversion rate will be used to determine who much quantity is actually used base on the combination of the conversion rate and the percentages entered for the components.

3) Open the item's Bill of Materials editor. You will now see a checkbox where you can specify whether this specific BOM's components will be entered as percentages. Check it to enable the percentages column.

Here is an example of how it might work for you:

If a BOM has a Produced as conversion rate of 10 and components with the following percentages:

Component 1: 50%
Component 2: 30%
Component 3: 15%
Component 4: 5%

When the components are produced on a Work Order it will use:

Component 1: 5 units
Component 2: 3 units
Component 3: 1.5 units
Component 4: .5 units

This can work with the Used As unit of measure and conversion rate as well.